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The day the world went away.png

DIA 12/10



Curadoria Duo Strangloscope

Silence IV  - Anna Grigorian – (Armenia; 2:00)

How a Sprig of Fir Would Replace a Feather - Anna Kipervaser (EUA; 7:30)

A Vessel, The Ideas Pass Through - Linnea Nugent (EUA; 5:38)

Effulgent Gleam - Leonardo Pirondi (Brazil; 7:00)

En Tierra - Violeta Mora (Honduras;  3:02)

Souvenir - Cecilia Araneda (Canada; 5:07)

The day the world went away - Mélissa Faivre (França; 14:00)


DIA 12/10



Curadoria Duo Strangloscope

Flare - Shannon Silva (EUA; 4:30)

AbstrArt 23 - Luis Carlos Rodríguez (Espanha; 5:50)

Embers from Yesterday, Aflame - William Hong-xiao Wei (Reino Unido; 10:35)

RE:Wilding - Wolfgang Lehmann (Suécia - 22:04)

Variations for light and shadow - Olivier Perriquet (Portugal; 4:40)

Picture a Forest - Director Dave Rodriguez (EUA; 3:45)

Hypnotic Path - Pregnant abstractions of experience - Rrose Present (Espanha; 3:00)

objects in mirror are closer than they appear - Guillard Marion (Belgica; 3:03)

thread - Abigail Smith (EUA; 2:06)

Black Palms - Justin Clifford Rhody (EUA; 1:20)

Locus - Laura Focarazzo (Argentina; 1:45)

Destruction of the Field - Enzo Cillo (Itália; 12:23)

zeit / time - Ingrid Gans (Alemanha; 3:19)

Intervals -  Simon Payne (Reino Unido; 10:20)


DIA 13/10



Curadoria Duo Strangloscope

AfterMath - Kent Tate (Canada; 2:24)

ARK - Kent Tate (Canada; 4:04)

Bus, Turning – Richard Tuohy e Dianna Barrie – (Austrália; 7:03)

Phase II - Kelly L Sears (EUA; 6:30)

TOPIASKOP - Josephin Boettger (Alemanha; 7:19)

Tomorrow Never Knows - Pierre Ajavon (França; 3:30)

Realigning the forward back - Dee Hood (EUA ; 3:21)

demarcations; you have black eyes - Zelikha Zohra Shoja (9:14)

Dans les cieux et sur la terre - Erin Weisgerber (Canada; 11:38)

Ommatidia - Gloria Chung (EUA; 7:30)

Blue Moon - Ian Gibbins (Australia; 4:55)

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DIA 13/10



Curadoria Duo Strangloscope


Boom! (for Loie Fuller) - Karl Nussbaum (EUA; 2:00)

Cinegraffic Score – iloobia (Reino Unido; 4:51)

in dreams only - Justin Clifford Rhody, Abigail Smith (EUA; 10:55)

monosabishii - Wenhua Shi (EUA; 4:20)

some brief notes on beauty and being - Craig Arthur Scheihing (EUA; 5:31)

Non-human becoming - Eduardo Gutierrez Carrera (Peru; 3:55)

Xiuhtecuhtli - Colectivo Los Ingrávidos (México; 15:49)

Potemkin Piece - Justin Clifford Rhody (EUA; 1:00)

Tlaloc (Lines Drawn in Water) –   Abinadi Meza (EUA; 8:38)       

Light’s Return.png

DIA 14/10



Curadoria Duo Strangloscope

36000 - Pierre Villemin (França; 6:30)

To my love (Rakkaalleni) - Aino Kontinen (Finlandia; 5:03)

Interior Six - Mauricio Sánchez Arias (México; 16:00)

Half Life - Laura Iancu (Romenia; 4:00)

Light's Return - Kathleen Rugh (EUA; 3:10)  

Soft Touch - Paige Mazurek (EUA; 10:57)

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DIA 14/10



Curadoria Duo Strangloscope

La próxima te acompaño - Camila Dron (Argentina; 1:00)

[SELF] INSERTIONS | THE HUMAN LEAGUE FACTOR - Demónio António, José Crúzio (Portugal; 6:02)

Another Self Portrait - Patrick Tarrant (Reino Unido; 7:25)

BOOKANIMA: Andy Warhol - Shon Kim (Coréia; 4:48)

this august we recorded a portrait - Sofía Tudela (Espanha; 3:44)

Everybody Dies - Anderson Matthew (EUA; 8:01)

Guarda Vieja 3458 timbre 3/6 - Karen Akerman, Miguel Seabra Lopes (Brasil; 12:00)

Retorno, asilo, Passagem – Anthony Twinko (Brasil; 6:45)

Self portrait with sculpture - Eija Temisevä (Finlandia; 4:05)

T A R T A M U D E O - Dave Rodriguez (EUA; 3:35)

The Education of Lulu - Salise Hughes (EUA; 8:56)  

This Is How I Felt - Josh Weissbach (EUA; 1:35) 

Múltiplas Faces do Vazio  - Flávio Carvalho (BRA; 2:41)    


DIA 15/10



Curadoria Duo Strangloscope

ÁLAMO - Lívia Sá, Sofia Scharff (Brasil; 8:25)

Jaguar - Luiza Spotorno (Brasil; 8:00)

Carpela - Julie de Oliveira (Brasil; 3:35)  

She's ready - Nina Cavalcanti (Alemanha; 8:37)     

#lasciamiandare - La Preda - Monica Marioni (Italy; 6:59)

Hemorrhage - Ruth Hayes (EUA; 4:07)

All my scars vanish in the wind - María Angélica Restrepo, Carlos David Velandia (Colombia; 14:18)

TELOS - Atsuhiko Watanabe (França; 14:54)

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