Panorama Internacional 1
Azil (Asylum) - Marko Milicevic
2015 I Serbia I super 8 I 9min I color
"A young artist, resembling a drowned migrant, is washed upon a shore in a fishing net. He vascillates between dreams and nightmares, life and (artistic) death. Rejoicing in the forest cathedral , he is visited by an embalming wolf of the sensual/feminine order from his paintings, which is his guide to the last few frames of his consciousness, which start at the beginning of cinematography. "
Before the Portrait - Karissa Hahn
2012 | USA | 02:10 | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | HD | 16mm to digital
Inspired by John William Waterhouses' portrait, "A Mermaid." (1901) Portrayal of this immobile creature idealized with images of femininity. - a reenactment of Waterhouses's fictional musings while setting up the framing for his portrait.
Orgasmatique, Dramatique, Horror - Melissa Bruno
2010 | USA | 2' | B&W | Stereo | 4:3 | SD
An experimental film that critiques the usage of the female face as sole bearer of emotion in film.
Origen del Mundo - Rrose Present
2015 | Spain | 1' 41" | Color |Stereo | 16: 9 | HD
Series: Video without-camera, reinterpreting “camera-world”
Primeiroassedio - Marcelo Tabach
2015 | Brazil | 1’20’’ | Color | Mono | 16:9 | HD
Vía Láctea - Xisela Franco
As a Madonna with her baby, she presents her self-portrait of motherhood.